Sherlock Holmes in the Boscombe Valley Mystery

Scion Society Special
Save 20%

Are you planning to discuss one of the stories covered by the Baker Street Irregulars Press Manuscript Series at your next meeting? Or do you just want to provide the members of your local Sherlockian Scion Society with an opportunity to acquire the best canonical publications at a discount?

Now you can, by taking advantage of the SCION SOCIETY SPECIAL.

Scions which order ten or more copies of the same title, sent to a single address, will receive a 20% discount. And shipping is only $2.00 per softbound book and $3.00 per hardbound.

Please make checks payable to “The Baker Street Irregulars” and send your check to:
Monica Schmidt
The Baker Street Irregulars
1640 Deborah Drive NE
Solon, IA 52333

If you have questions or want us to calculate the total cost, please contact us.